Thursday, November 11, 2010

The early bird catches the worm. So pray you are a bird.

          My day started this morning at 6:45 when my loving roommate Kaci reminded me that I had promised to go swimming with her. Lets just say, all I wanted to do was take a rain check (it actually was raining… ha!) and enjoy a couple more hours of sleep. But... unfortunately I had also told Kaci to make sure I woke up and not to let me sleep. She promised she wouldn’t and warned me she wouldn’t be nice. She kept her promise and by 7:10 we were walking across campus with towels in hand through the mist towards the pool. Despite how tired and begrudging I was to wake up, I am so glad she didn’t let me sleep in. The morning was glorious. The tree colors have finally turned completely from green to variations of red, orange, and yellow. Through the mist, the trees looked magical. They looked like what you would expect to see if you were strolling down the streets of London on a dreary day… the leaves oversaturated from lasts night’s rain and the limbs drooping due to the extra weight. Also, every time I wake up to a misty morning, I imagine that scene from Pride and Prejudice where Mr. Darcy walks across the field shrouded in mist to ask Elizabeth Bennett to marry him. If I were going to be any fictional character, I would be Elizabeth Bennett. 

            In addition from the lovely walk across campus, the swim was fabulous. The funny part about swimming at the pool on campus is people like Shawn Sikes are the lifeguard. Despite the awkwardness of there being a total of five people in the pool and walking around in a skin tight bathing suit, I just don’t feel that comforted in the fact that the person guarding my life was wearing kakis and a hoodie, was sitting at a desk, and most likely doing homework or perusing on facebook. We (Kaci, Katie Pryor and I) swam for forty minutes, left the pool to get ready for the day, and got to breakfast in time for Calvin to make me three eggs over-easy and get my 9:30 class. Despite the fact that I fell asleep on and off all morning in my class, this morning goes down as one of my favorites so far this school year. AND I got a free donut before chapel. Bam.

            Speaking of chapel… Yesterday’s speaker told us that we should be tattooed for Christ (he said it didn’t have to be on the outside of your body… I am a little worried about the people who will take this literally and get their insides tattooed with something Jesus-y). Before he got around to his point he had all the people with tattoos stand. So I stood up. I don’t know why I did this because I most definitely do NOT have a tattoo. Then he told the people who had a religious tattoo to stay standing and all the heathens who had secular tattoos to sit. I shamelessly stayed standing. Then he told all the people with whose tattoo did not regard Jesus’ death to sit. By this point I was feeling rather sacrilegious and self-conscious so I sat. Why did I do this? What in the world possessed me to pretend to have a tattoo? Now all of my friends who don’t know me well enough to ask me about it will assume I have one. Oh well. Things could be worse. Now I just have to live with the fact that I lied to about one thousand people all at one time. Maybe that is how politicians feel. Except on a much larger scale. Or maybe they don’t feel at all. Wow, what a digression.

            Back to the present. I am currently sitting in an awesome coffee shop in Edmond (never thought I’d say that….) called Vintage drinking a cup of white mocha that I got for free from my good friend Ryan Russell. AHH… the song “Falling Slowly” by the Swell Season just came on. Love it. I approve of the music that this coffee shop has been playing. Earlier some Elliot Smith was playing… and I believe I heard The Album Leaf as well. Very easy listening. In short, I’d recommend Vintage as a place to do homework or relax with friends. It is a little more uptown/urban than say… Cuppies and Joe, but it is still very chill.

            If you like looking at amazing artwork, look up the artist Leif Ilvedson. He is amazing and his work is so beautiful.

            In closing, it was a beautiful morning that turned into a fabulous day. May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm up your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.

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